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RuneScape - The child was enthusiastic and responded

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RuneScape - The child was enthusiastic and responded has not posted anything yet
Start date 09/30/21 - 11:46
End date 11/30/21 - 11:46
  • Description

    As a child, he was able to do things that made him unique such as writing numbers 1 through 1,000 at the age of kindergarten when many children are working on writing numbers up to 100. His parents inquired about what his school experience was like. The child was enthusiastic and responded by reciting all lesson in a single word.

    When Kaczrowski talked about his childhood, he was rubbing his soft, fuzzy red sock that complimented his silky white athletic suit. He remembered how his parents forced him to wear wool sweaters to church as a kid. "It was like a million needles poking the skin," he said. He prefers soft socks over athletic suits over buttoned up cotton shirts or jeans.

    Kaczrowski was a Marshall High School student who was a basketball player. He said that he was unable to attend the basketball games despite he tried. He claims his noise sensitivity is a curse however, it is also an advantage. He's become a gifted pianist because of it. In the 6th grade, he began playing for church choirs and on the piano.

    Kaczrowski believes his sharp sense of hearing helps him play the piano. He is able to learn music simply by hearing it once, and he can imitate other's playing through his listening ability. He responded, "You cannot turn it off, however."

    While he was a student at St. John's University, Collegeville, he found it difficult to do the everyday tasks of college students. He had trouble reading due to the fact that he couldn't focus long enough to turn pages over and over."I was able to get through college by listening to my professors speak," he said, explaining that he retained the information better when hearing it rather than reading it.

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