The game does not give a Animal Crossing Items damn about your time. Inconvenience is not a excellent way to entertain folks.
Adding some thing to do is not gont kill the part of the game that's already there which people like. Saying that NH is the largest step the franchise has taken since the initial game is most likely the worst thing that you could say about the series. Are you saying these games really had less to them than they do now?
It is the first that I've managed to more consistently put in longer sessions working on my city without running out of things to do after 30 mins. The remarks talking about devolution are simply way off base. Obviously if you don't like collecting stuff and functioning on your town a little every day than you won't enjoy AC. But it's great at doing exactly what it sets out to do. There's a reason my friends list is filled with those who have 300+ hours in the sport.
I've put hundreds of hours into Animal Crossing first and town folk.
I really don't like to decorate, I like to collect. This game is not a good amassing game.
ACGC and City Folk were excellent collecting games. This match it seems like Nintendo just made a decision to abandon that portion of their fanbase.
The game that is left over might be better for you, but for people who enjoyed that other aspect of AC it's bad.
I have no idea how it's a worse amassing game than those two. There are far more things to accumulate and way more you can do with the things you collect.
Games evolve, generally. People like itkeeps the IP interesting. AC hasn't done that, whatsoever. It was great about the Gamecube, it is not great anymore.
I waited over a year for this game to buy Animal Crossing Bells come out only to eliminate it and quit playing entirely in 4 months heh. I am probably gonna play with pocket camp because it looks like there's Much More stuff to do there with continuous updates
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