NBA 2K21 Current-Gen Trailer
Same models, no hint MyLeague or MyGM will work contemplating #1 by time nba 2k21 myteam mt releases there still won't have been a 2020 off-season. Likely won't have the 2021 draft course since there will not be a draft punctually NBA 2K21 comes out (I understand the lottery is that the 20th, not certain exactly when the draft is) But hey, people will get it anyway because of MyTeam, therefore none of the stuff really matters I suppose. Promoting me last year's match with a few adjustments with previous season's roster while the actual 2K21 comes out in a few months and probably won't have these issues from the box, however just around PS5 and Xbox and not PC, just doesn't make any sense to me.
This staggered release thing makes no sense to me. Saying NBA 2K21 does not have any changes without really seeing the changes yet only shows you gonned na mention that anyways. If you purchase NBA 2K21 you receive it on gen IIRC, definitely makes sense. I stated a few changes. Emphasis on couple of because two separate studios are currently working on every game and I think I know which one will possess the changes, and it isn't the one which is going to be published on the 4th.
Finding the next Gen variant for"free" just after purchasing a $600 console. There is no Gen PC version, the version is. That is only semantics you tried to belittle the number of changes that are currently gon t be produced. No matter how many changes have been made you have the exact same attitude. NBA 2K21 is free, purchasing the PS5 or Xbox is independent of this. The gamers that are console are currently gon na purchase it eventually.
This can be legit 2K20 having an update, same scoreboard and everything. This is nothing more but a cash grab, should have been an update.Thanks however im gont wait till next gen unless 2k21 mt xbox one 5 dollars. How could they believe this is well worth precisely the cost as witcher 3 and Red Dead 2? They're still gon na kill it with earnings, and Its value what people will pay + VC. I know but still, they didn't even attempt to enhance the images or light one piece, then theyre gonna charge microtransactions on top of everything. Lol its greedy. If you buy this version you should find the next gen one free, its so dirty to not do so when the present gen option is actually a copy and paste.
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